Monday, November 29, 2010


Ella Roselyn is actually my pen name. My real name is Kierstyn King (yes, the illustrator). This month has been an experiment in writing, sort of my own adventure on top of an adventure and a motivation for me to continue even when I became discouraged.

I'm proud to say it worked. I've managed to write and illustrate an inspiring and well written story in less than a month. Oddly, I think writing it under an alias and on a crazy time table enabled me to do it better than I would have otherwise. Less over-thinking, more writing and when I wasn't doing that, I was painting.

Emotionally, it's been a roller-coaster. When I was talking about days feeling like I was just oozing everywhere and pouring my soul on to pages I meant it. It feels weird to be done, except for the few things I have left to do - like upload the file and publish. After a month of working like nuts, rest is weird, I feel a little lost, and a little healed. I had to face some things while writing, I realized some things about myself - some things I don't yet understand. Like why do I love even when it's painful and it'd be easier to forget? is it because it's worth it, even though it's emotionally hard, or is it because I just don't know what else to do? Is writing this story even worth it?

It's a kid's book, to be sure, but to me, it's so much more than that.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wait, I did that?

This week has sort of been a rough one. Even though the book is written and edited, the illustrations done today, and we're almost ready to format...there's something about writing that takes a toll. Writing at all is an exertion, a pouring out of your thoughts and heart into words onto pages - with this story, it was like pouring out my soul. After I wrote the first draft there were a few days when I felt like the deepest parts of me were just oozing and spilling out everywhere. When I got distracted with life, or went back to bed sick, I felt like I was losing so much ground, there was more work to be done, just not enough energy to do it. I'm on the home stretch now, and powering through the questions and the doubts (is this even good? will it help anyone?) sometimes I feel like a failure waiting to happen. Then I remember...

A month ago I didn't even have a story. In such a short amount of time I've come such a long way, and I can't stop now, not when I'm so close to finishing. I literally wrote a book in less than a month. How often does that happen?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Checklist #2

Written: check
Edited: check
Illustrated: 3 left

I'm so excited! I sent my manuscript to Veronika Walker a few days ago, hoping she could work on my tight time-table and she was thorough, easy to work with, and most importantly got back to me quickly. I couldn't have asked for a better editor. It was fantastic working with her, I couldn't recommend her enough!

We're 3 illustrations away from completion now, and those should be done before Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's off!

I sent my manuscript off for editing today! Now I get to sit here and twiddle my thumbs for a few days until I hear back. I suppose I could try and format, instead of twiddling...that may be a better plan.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Thanks to some soup that sent me to bed all of yesterday afternoon, I regretfully missed posting. I'm much better this morning though and I made some progress on finding someone to proofread/edit for me on my crazy deadline. Connections are great (thanks Kiery)! I also played with some formatting earlier this week. I say played, but I really mean failed and handed to my boyfriend to make it better - this is quickly becoming a group effort.

Kiery sent me some more shots of her illustrations, she only has 8 to go and then we can move on to real formatting and hopefully getting a proof print. We're so close!

Monday, November 15, 2010


You know when you write a story, but you (semi-intentionally) leave out a key element of that story?

Yeah. In an attempt to leave things open-ended...I kept out the one fact that held everything together. Obviously the story didn't make much sense without it. I was scared though, it's a painful and happy story all at the same time and this one detail, while vital, I was afraid might be too much. It's real, it's pain, it's confusion and hurt, and yet, it's the catalyst for all the good to come.

So I put it in.  

Friday, November 12, 2010

Publishing Thoughts

I really like my story - everyone around me likes my story, but I know just because people like my story doesn't mean it's going to actually go anywhere. I want to make sure I have one or two copies of my own, If it doesn't fly, then it's no big deal, I'd just like to have a hard/printed copy.

This is where it gets interesting.

It would be fantastic if my book took off, and for some reason my boyfriend seems to think that it will. I however, know nothing about actually publishing books which is why there are self-publishing services, like lulu, for instance. With lulu though, it's also expensive to make the books and order them in bulk, we're talking hundreds of dollars for 50 22page full color books. Since it's a children's book it does actually have to be colored. I could look into their children's book package, but that starts at around $500 (also, I already know how I want it formatted and I already have an illustrator, so I wouldn't need half of their package).

The other thing is my timeline, and this is what's keeping me from asking publishers about my book. I want to have it completed by the end of the month. Most places take, well, significantly longer than that to start and finish the process.

Right now, it's looking like I'll just stick with lulu and work out their online services and print myself a copy and go from there. I'd like to figure out if I have any other options, but so far I haven't turned up anything better.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans day!

Stepping aside from my regularly scheduled programming to say "Happy Veterans day!"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Editing Fun

I sent off my manuscript to some people to proof read. I've learned the hard way many many times that it's pretty impossible for me to accurately edit myself. I can run spell-check, and I can gloss, but because I know what I wrote it's really hard for me to find things that are wrong.

I made an attempt today and found "has" instead of "as" and a word that needed to be capitalized before getting pulled back into the story and just reading it over.

Hopefully I'll get some good feedback and I can move on. Kiery is about 1/3rd of the way through the illustrations (yay webcams), and they look great. Since I don't have a working scanner she'll scan them in and email the full size versions to me and then I can format the book and convert it to a pdf and hopefully publish!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sneak Peek of the Illustration

Kiery sent me a picture of her illustration design ideas (which are fantastic) so I thought I'd share one - I can't wait to see the rest!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Book Written/Drafted: Check

Illustrator found: Check

Final Edit:

Funny thing, I was playing World of Warcraft and I was mumbling in the trade channel about an illustrator and Kiery sent me a tell and a link to her art blog (which I checked out after the raid) and things just sort of fell into place from there. I'm super excited and can't wait to see what she comes up with!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Story Board

Finished copying the draft over and making some minor edits. I'm taking a break from editing to give my mind a rest and working on storyboarding and figuring out where I want to go illustration wise so I know what to ask for.
I decided to plan it out on my white board, so I put the sticky notes with the list of pictures on the side and made some sketches to get an idea of how it would fit on the page. I think I'm going to try for a Winnie the Pooh type of integration. 

Word Count: 1,283

Last night, I started typing up the book and editing. I wrote the first two parts and counted the words for NaNoWriMo - 1,283. I was surprised. I would have kept going but I started making too many typos to keep up with so I just left it there.

Who knows, maybe I'll get closer to 50k than I thought! I wasn't anticipating having more than maybe 1000 words....I'm not great with numbers.  I may try to finish the rest of it today, but I'm not sure how far I'll get. I'm leaving spaces for pictures in between and made sticky note markers in my notebook of what illustrations I want so I'll have everything ready when I find an illustrator. :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First Draft Done

Whew. Finished my first draft. it was way more emotionally exhausting than I anticipated, but I'm glad...they say it's a good thing when writers are in tears by their writing, right?

 Onward to the next part now (after I wipe my tear stains off the paper - I showed it to my boyfriend and he was like, hey, stop making me cry!) - editing rounds, also I need to pick out which parts I want illustrated and find an illustrator. I'm really happy with my progress so far, who thought being sick for over a week could be so productive?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Almost There

I'm almost at the end of the first draft! By that I mean, I have to figure out how to write the ending. I know exactly how it ends and the feel I want it to convey, I just need to get there. I don't think the headache I've had all day is aiding that process, but I think I might be able to get some of it done while I watch the election returns.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today marks the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I've never done NaNo before, and I signed up for it, for fun, to keep me motivated with my book, but I'm not planning on writing 50k words. Although, I may come close to that depending on how many re-writes I do.

So, my goal for NaNoWriMo is to get through my book, if I do that, I'll have won. I have a link on the sidebar - well actually it's the picture, that takes you to my NaNo page where you'll be able to keep up with my progress. I don't have any words yet, because I'm still in my notebook phase, but I should have it moved over by the end of the week.

Can I finish and possibly publish (or find an illustrator for) my book in a month? Hopefully.