I sent off my manuscript to some people to proof read. I've learned the hard way many many times that it's pretty impossible for me to accurately edit myself. I can run spell-check, and I can gloss, but because I know what I wrote it's really hard for me to find things that are wrong.
I made an attempt today and found "has" instead of "as" and a word that needed to be capitalized before getting pulled back into the story and just reading it over.
Hopefully I'll get some good feedback and I can move on. Kiery is about 1/3rd of the way through the illustrations (yay webcams), and they look great. Since I don't have a working scanner she'll scan them in and email the full size versions to me and then I can format the book and convert it to a pdf and hopefully publish!
Yay!! I hope it goes well for you! I know it's hard to edit my own stuff!